Really? Over a month between postings?? That's horrible. Ok, I'm going to catch you up on the rest of our summer vacation, just not yet. I have a few little things I need to post about first. Gotta get my writing chops back. So, without further adieu.....
Ethan started Kindergarten!! He just couldn't wait to start school this year and I'm so happy he loves it! We had parent teacher conferences a few weeks ago and I'm still smiling at the news. His teacher informed us that he's an amazing example to the other kids, he listens well, he doesn't have anything that he struggles with, and overall he's just really smart.
(If you're a K teacher and you say this to all parents to make them feel good, bite your tongue!)
I can't say that I'm shocked by this status report but I was a little surprised by her enthusiasm. For the first month or so his daily report of his "new" teacher was usually taken care of by a single adjective...."Grumpy". After a while it turned into, "Grumpy again".
It turns out she has a room full of little beasts that hadn't done preschool so this was their first experience in a classroom with rules. Not to mention, it's all day instead of half day.
(May I take a moment to say thank you to all teachers out there. I don't know how you fight the urge to beat them.)
Anyway, things have gotten much smoother. Now, "it's just the naughty kids that get her grumpy", as Ethan reports. So the really great news was his testing so far. I know. You're probably thinking, "What kind of testing does a K'er do?" I don't feel like explaining that. Just know, they do.
The testing was done at the beginning of the year just to see where the kids' starting points were on an individual basis. In the first month Ethan tested at a middle of the year level. This was a test relating to knowing phonics and first word sounds (or something like that). Also his reading level was at 0.5. (That's a K'er in the 5th month of school for those that don't know.) Again, this was done within the first few weeks of school. (I said "test" a lot up there. I'll ease up on that.)
I don't want to toot my own horn here but, "Toot Toot!!!" I'm sure Clint and I had something to do with this. Right?
Here's my little scholar on the first day!
He was a little nervous. |
That's how a Valedictorian hangs his backpack. |
Even she knew on day 1 she was standing with a sweet boy.
I really like her and so does Ethan.
I think he's made a mark as one of her favorites. |
Getting off the bus for the first time. |
He was so excited to finally get to ride with Haiden.
I'm just sad this is the only year he'll get to. |
Since we drove him to school the first day, I had to get some
pictures of him boarding the bus as well.
These are the memory makers, people. |
He's a natural. Look at that form.
That's good.
I don't feel like driving him everyday.
I did that for preschool and it was not my best subject. |
So there it is. My little Ethan has turned into a big genius. I think I'll help him start writing his acceptance speech for Class President.