Thursday, April 28, 2011


I just had a few random things to share.  My Jett is getting so big.  His personality is stunning, he's funny, he's sweet, and I'm starting to learn, he's creative.  I think he's going to have the artistic bug.  Here he is displaying his artwork on his favorite canvas....

It's a little hard to see but he has marker on the back of his chubby hand.
It also looks like he's made himself a snazzy green goatee.

An artist at work.  Look at the deep concentration.
He's really working on a masterpiece!
Now, I could end it there, but then you wouldn't see just how far he likes to take things.  He really knows how to make a finish.
Here he is, head to toe in green marker.
Wow.  I should give my sitter a raise.  She's good.


  1. He is definitely a cute little guy! A little young for a goatee though...

  2. Thanks for peeking at my blog, Sandy! I've peeked at yours too and I just don't know how you do it! Some days I think I'm going crazy and I only have 4! It's a mom like you that inspires me to push myself a little harder. Life is as easy or hard as you make it.

    Oh, I just finished your post about all the rebates you got in the mail. HOLY COW!! That would be the one day I would enjoy opening the mail!! What a great day!

    Thanks for stopping by!
