Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Take My Daddy to Preschool" Day....

Ethan's class is learning about different jobs some of the kids parents have.  Back in January, Mrs. Johnson asked me if Clint would be able to come in to show them what a construction worker looks like in their gear and talk a little bit about his job.  He agreed, or at least I agreed for him.

The first week this was kicked off, the first parent to come in was a police officer for the city of Colorado Springs.  He was trying to talk to the kids about safety but they continued to ask questions about "getting the bad guys", "taking people to jail", and my personal favorite, "the pepper spray"!  Because of this "job fair" Ethan now wants to be a "cop", as he calls them.  When I asked why, he got a naughty little grin and said, "because then I can carry pepper spray!"

The next week was Clint's turn and to prepare for his big day he was thinking on a larger scale.  Much too large, really.  This is a guy who's used to making suggestions and discussing plans with Superintendents and other big titled people.  He didn't know what he was supposed to say to a group of wide-eyed 3 and 4 year olds.  As I explained to him, if he could capture their attention for 2, maybe even 3 minutes, it was a win-win situation.

When we got there, they were sitting in a circle, like hyena's ready to attack.  At least I'm pretty sure that's what Clint thought.  Things were going well until he got nervous and a couple of tools fell out of his bags.  Then, he started throwing out big words like, "my speed-square", "re-bar", and "setting forms"!!  (NO, NO!  You're losing them!!!)  At least he wasn't throwing out expletives, which I was a little worried might slip out.

I tried to reel them back in with simple questions like, "So, why do you wear that white hardhat?", and "How heavy are your tools?" and the teachers were a big help too.  I think at one point they were more excited than the kids to hear about him hanging off the sides of buildings, "like Spiderman" as one kid said.  That earned him some very cool points with the boys.

To wrap things up for them, he took off his bags and let the kids come around closer to check out his tools and see just how heavy his bags were.  The kids enjoyed it and you could tell by the look on Ethan's face he was so proud to have his dad in class.

Last week the police-officer-dad had a parting gift for all the kids: badge stickers they could wear on their shirts.  Seeing that Clint was wrapping up, yet had nothing that he was ready to "give out" one little girl raised her hand and quietly asked, "Did you bring us a building?"

The ravenous pack awaiting their prey.

Showing them how he puts his bags on to start working.

This is when things started falling out.

Talking about hanging off the building, "Like Spiderman".

Testing just how heavy it was.
They proceeded to dump nails all over the floor at this particular moment.

And here Mrs. Johnson suggested we take away the "weapon".
Some of the boys had decided that the screwdriver would make a nice sword.

Ethan giving a demonstration on how to work the wrench.

The big proud boy and his hard working daddy!
(I didn't realize he blinked.
Then again maybe he was using preschool logic: "If I close my eyes this will all go away.")
It was pretty cute to see this big strong man get a little weak in the knees talking in front of little kids.  The cuter part was seeing the excitement and wonder on their faces and not having a clue that he was nervous to do it.


  1. That's so cute! :) I can't wait for things like this! :)

  2. Awwwwe, Clint Dawg has a heart!!!! That was so cute but why was he so nervous? He's got no problem bossing us around when it comes to painting stripes, haha.

  3. susan kerins sister in lawMarch 18, 2011 at 3:50 PM

    I am proud of my brother in law! He is our hero with the kids! My neices and nephews are very lucky to have such a wonderful dad!!!!
