Just a few weeks ago, I was able to kick back, drop off the little boys with a friend, and recount my childhood by going with Haiden on his end of the year field trip. We were headed down south to LaJunta to visit Bent's Fort. The kids were learning about Colorado History this year and this is a key landmark in the state's history.
There I sat, for 2 hours, on a bus full of rowdy 4th graders and I was loving it! I got lost in a book I'd been wanting to read for a while;
Hidden Shadows by
Lauren Hope. (It turned out great!) The time flew by since I was deep in my read and didn't have anyone calling, "
Mom, mom, mom!", even with Haiden just three seats behind me. I gave him the evil eye prior to departure so he knew to leave me alone.
I know you're all dying to see this old fort so I won't keep you in suspense any longer.
Learning about the blacksmith shop. |
Notice the bright yellow hat....I wonder who that is? |
It just looks so cool. |
The upstairs. Weird how you can walk around with no railings or protection. |
The livestock out back.
I like how the trappers were smart enough to disguise their a/c units.
That could've really given them away back in the day. |
Haiden was chosen to be the "fur trapper" for this little story. |
View of inside of the fort. |
Front entrance. |
Trading room. |
Peacocks in the barn. |
My group of wild animals. They were very good, and very fun! |
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