Sunday, June 12, 2011

Preschool Graduation....

Ethan did it.  He's finished preschool and on the road to Kindergarten.  Behind him are the days of sleeping in with mom, laying in bed while eating breakfast and watching cartoons.  He has a few more months of uninterrupted bliss before reality sets in.

This reality that I'm referring to is all day Kindergarten.  That's right.  He'll get on the bus with Haiden, eat lunch at school, and ride it home again in the afternoon.  I don't think he knows just how excited I am.

Both for him and me.  :)

But first, let's celebrate the graduation:

It's hard to get pictures in the auditorium.
He looks thrilled.

He told me he wanted "Justin Bieber" hair.
This is the result.

There it is.....the million dollar smile!
His "twin brother" is the little guy in the blue shirt and black vest.

A little blurry but he's getting his "diploma".  :-)

With Miss Vicki, the assistant in class.

And now with Mrs. Johnson.  She was amazing!!
I'm being sarcastic for the sake of humor but I'm really bummed out.  Time goes by so fast and it seems that we only realize it when big milestones pass by.  Not only do I have a Kindergartner, but I also have a Freshman in high school too.

I know what I'm wearing on their first day of school.  All black.  To mourn my loss; my baby's not a baby anymore, my other baby's not a baby anymore, my youth, and my metabolism.  Because once you have a high schooler it's all down hill from there, right?

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