I think I should share, just quickly, the story of how 1 + 1 became 7. Clint and I first locked eyes on March 23, 2005 in the gym on Ft. Carson. We were both still in the Army and yes, we were total meat heads. I thought he was a hottie and probably a total jerk because of it so I tried to be nonchalant. Apparently, on his way back to the barracks, he was asking a mutual friend all about me. That Friday we went out with a large group of friends, not intending to run into each other. We started talking and that was all she wrote. Before we knew it, all of our friends had left and we'd been talking for hours. It was that easy. We've been together for six years and married for two and a half.
Now let me figure a little math to show how the two of us eventually became seven....this is where the "yours, mine, and ours" fits in. I had Hailey and Haiden, he had Destini, and together we have Ethan and Jett. So, in the story of our life, 1 + 1 = 7. I definitely got the prize. I have an amazing husband who works harder than normal to provide for his family. I couldn't ask for a better man. I'm not sure what prize he won but when I figure it out, I'll post it....
Big Daddy |
The love of my life....
You two make the most perfect couple I have ever seen.....no matter how bad your days may be or the problems you each may run into with work or kids or whatever, you both can still make each other smile if you just think about how you met and what all you have already been through... You two and the kids could have your own tv sitcom!!!!