So, with the buzz of Hailey's basketball season comes a new flame of interest from Haiden. He's been playing soccer off and on since he was 5 and he's done pretty well at it. At one of her recent games, he expressed an interest in trying basketball. I took this with a grain of salt.
For those of you who don't know, last year we attemtpted wrestling. That lasted 3 weeks. Haiden is my non-confrontational child. He'd rather laugh and make a joke about something then get physical. Good for me that I don't have a bully on my hands. Bad for him as I fear his smarty-pants mouth may earn him a date with Freida Phalangey and her 4 sisters one day. It'll either bring on more tears or turn him into a man. Either way, I'm sure it'll happen quickly.
So, back to his new interest in basketball. We decided to sign him up at the YMCA to play. His best friend at school is also on the team and I think that might be part of the reason he was curious. Anyway, after only one practice, they had a game last Saturday. Like an idiot, I forgot my camera but I can tell you, it was quite a treat to watch. For many reasons.
I was so impressed with my son!! For never playing before, and only having one practice under his belt, he did pretty darn good! He even scored a basket! Sadly, the team they played were the mini-me's of various NBA professionals, mostly Spud Webb since none of them were taller than Ethan. I think it was 84-6 but fortunately for us they weren't keeping score. It was bittersweet. Haiden was so excited to actually be playing in his first game and yet he was getting worked harder than a 6 year old at a sweat shop. (Was that inappropriate?)
Anyway, I told him not to let this first game get him down. Without missing a beat, he said he couldn't wait for practice on Thursday and for his next game on Saturday. There will definitely be pictures from the next event! I'm so proud.
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